Manufacture of Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes Results of Pyrolysis Process


  • Adriyan Warokka Politeknik Negeri Manado
  • Artian Sirun Politeknik Negeri Manado


Coconut shell charcoal, Briquette, Pyrolysis


As the progress of times, the energy needs are increasing and tend to focus on the petroleum fuels use (fossil fuels) whose numbers are very limited. Therefore, various efforts should be made for the use of the alternative energy. One way to convert waste material to energy-rich waste material into a convenient form is to solidify it into briquette fuel. The biomass energy in the form of briquettes derived from coconut shell charcoal from the pyrolysis process can meet the fuel needs of the alternative energy and also reduce dependence on petroleum energy. The results of hardness testing, briquette density and duration of combustion until the briquette runs out were found that the quality of coconut shell charcoal 50% and 50% coconut charcoal composition from pyrolysis process resulted in the best mixture composition as it can heat water in 20 minutes and need 140 minutes until all of the briquette runs out. The hardness of this composition is 294 HL with a briquette density value of 0.000697 kg/m3.


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How to Cite

Warokka, A., & Sirun, A. (2018). Manufacture of Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes Results of Pyrolysis Process. JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFRASTRUKTUR BERKELANJUTAN (JTIB), 1(1), 52-61. Retrieved from


