Intelligent System for Generating Electric Power from several Batteries according to Automatic Load Conditions
Control System, Load Settings, AutomaticAbstract
The continuous wastage of electrical energy in variable loads is done in anticipation of peak load spikes and ensuring a working power generation balance. This study aims to create a method of simulation of control systems that can optimize the distribution of electrical loads automatically based on changes in the load supplied through the generation of several batteries connected in parallel. The method used in making this system begins with the stages of literature study, field study to obtain data related the creation of control system. From the test results performed, when the system detects the load conditions are in the range of 0 - 1 ampere, then the system only activate 1 piece of battery to supply the load needs. When the system detects the load conditions are in the range of 1 - 2 ampere, then the system will activate 2 pieces of battery to supply the load requirements. When the system detects load conditions are in the range of 2 - 3 ampere, then the system will activate 3 pieces of battery to supply the load needs. When the system detects load conditions in the range of 3 - 4 ampere, the system will activate 4 batteries to supply the load requirements. And when the system detects load conditions are in the range of 4 - 5 ampere, then the system will activate 5 pieces of battery to supply the load requirements.
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