Modelling of Control Systems for Chili Cultivation
Modeling, Control Systems, Cultivation, Chili PlantsAbstract
Chili cultivation is very dependent on climate, so that the process of growth and development can run well and optimally. Climate factors that influence the growth of chili plants include temperature and humidity, sunlight and rainfall. The purpose of this study was to create a control system model for the cultivation of chili plants that can regulate temperature, air humidity, sunlight intensity and soil pH from chili cultivation, so that cultivation can run well and optimally. The method used in making this system model is a method of research and development. Based on the results of testing carried out through proteus program simulations, it was found that the system created to control the growth process of chili plants can turn on the lights when the light intensity drops below 100 lux, so the system provides additional lighting. When the room temperature rises to 30 degrees C, the system automatically activates the blower to release heat in the room. When the soil PH rises above 8%, the system will automatically activate the water pump for the watering process, until the soil PH value drops to 6%.
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