Control System for Detector and Informer the Infant Urination


  • Johan F. Makal Politeknik Negeri Manado
  • Veny V. Ponggawa Politeknik Negeri Manado
  • Robby Lumbu Politeknik Negeri Manado


Tool, Detector, Informer, Baby Wet


Parents who have small children / babies, sometimes because of their busyness or because they fall asleep, often don't know when their baby is urinating. This can cause irritation to the baby's skin which is still sensitive, if the diaper is  late to replaced. In this study, a device is created to detect when the baby already urinate and provide information to the parents through the alarm, so that parents can change their baby’s diapers to avoid skin irritation that is not desired. The method used in making this system are literature study and field study to obtain data related. The next stage is to design the hardware, which aims to model the system to be built and proceed to make the device. The next stage is a laboratory test to confirm that the device created works out as expected. Test results obtained suggest that when the system detects whether the baby already urinate, then the information displayed through the LCD display was not detected that the baby was wet. But, when the system detects the baby has wet, through the liquid detection sensor, then the system will activate the alarm to let parents know that the baby has wet. Other than that, the system will also play songs outputted through the speakers to soothe the baby.


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How to Cite

Makal, J. F., Ponggawa, V. V., & Lumbu, R. (2018). Control System for Detector and Informer the Infant Urination. JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFRASTRUKTUR BERKELANJUTAN (JTIB), 1(1), 13-24. Retrieved from


